Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter Solstice

Tomorrow is  Winter Solstice.  As usual, I'm in. I'm all for celebrations that mark reasons to look forward to the future. The only song that I can think of that refers to Winter Solstice is called The Christians and the Pagans (the link brings you to the lyrics page).  I can't find a clear version on YouTube that I like.  So, instead I'm linking to this Dar Williams song instead, because it's one of my favorites by her.

And here's an excerpt from a poem by an unknown author, in reference to the Winter Solstice.

"The night is dark and the sun is gone, 
Yet we know that the wheel turns on. 
Through midnight's hour, solid and dark, 
Within our hearts there remains a spark"

No snow here yet. But this one is from my old neighborhood, several years ago.

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