Friday, September 30, 2011

Random Friday Night

Well, it's Friday night. I have one of my favorite meals in the oven: frozen pizza. Yes, I can cook. Yes, I can make delicious home-made pizza. But sometimes, you just want good old frozen pizza. And, I'm embracing that, as usual.

I'm having an interesting week. Part of the reason I started this blog was to spend more time on projects and other interests, and less time on Facebook. When my first instinct to entertain myself is facebook, my new thought is-- if not that, then what? What interesting things have I been ignoring, due to my facebook browsing habits? Here's my chance to start answering that question.

Today I did some straightening up in my apartment. I came across a couple of 'Curly Girl' cards that I have on hand to send to friends who could use a little love or attention via good old snail mail. I think they are cute and clever, and sometimes inspiring. I think you should take a peek: Curly Girl Design. It's fun to poke around on. Or maybe it's just me. Anyway, let me know if you live in Madison and want to know where to find them!

I decided to ask StoryPeople to "Pick One for Me", and this is what is advised (after a few requests, I mean I like to have options):

"My grandfather used to say nobody gives a damn anymore & the thing I remember most about him is the way he never let that stop him from giving a damn all the days of his life."

Note-to-self: You never know who is going to notice how you live your life or when it's going to make an impression on someone (good, or bad). 

Thursday, September 29, 2011


If I have to choose, my son said, I'll take them all. That's no choice, I said. Obviously, he said, you've forgotten how choice works.

I've been thinking a lot about choices lately.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Mary Oliver, New and Selected Poems

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

SPARK a Movement

One of my favorite websites:

"On October 22rd, (2010) a coalition of girls and women activists, male allies, educators, researchers, media experts, funders, and policymakers met at Hunter College in New York City for the Sexualization Protest: Action, Resistance, Knowledge (SPARK) Summit. There were no corporate sponsors and no commercial interests to appease, no cute pink fashionable giveaways, and no high-pitched plea to marketers to interview the girls attending. SPARK provided a day to speak out, push back, plan, and have fun while igniting a movement for girls’ rights to healthy sexuality.

SPARK began as a response to The Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls and its call for grassroots mobilizing around the clear and present danger that sexualization poses to girls and young women. The Report clarified the difference between healthy sexuality and sexual objectification."

The website is facilitating remarkable --and much needed-- dialogue around this important topic. The blogs they post are thoughtful, intelligent pieces (, giving a clear and articulate chorus of voices to this issue. Even better, they feature and promote the kind of role models for girls, young women, and adult women that we need in this world.

Keep up the good work SPARK. You have my full support.


Welcome to "Not Quite Speechless: My Other Blog."

Some of you may know that I have another blog dedicated to my photography. The purpose of this space is to share anything that might catch my attention. Especially those things that render me almost speechless. Sometimes I'll say little. Sometimes I'll say much. Stop by any time.