Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thing 1, Thing 2...and then a few others

No, this post isn't about Dr. Seuss. But maybe in the future, that is a good idea for a post. Also, Shel Silverstein.  Stay tuned.

Thing 1:
Okay, so periodically I try to remind myself that just because I'm in a hurry, doesn't mean everyone else has to be.  However, you should consider this endeavor a big "FAIL" because the reminder never works. I'm still impatient with slow-pokes (and largely intolerant of other inefficiencies). There is this song, Katie Wants A Fast One, that has a frighteningly similar sentiment...

Thing 2:
Two things have become increasingly important to me when shopping-- ANYWHERE, for ANYTHING.

A) Customer Service. If you're not able to provide good customer service, I don't want to shop in your store/utilize your service. Some examples of good customer service: "Hi, How are you? Let me know if I can help you find anything"; eye contact, a smile; acknowledgement that I am at the check-out counter, "I will be with you in a moment"; a note of sympathy in your voice, if I have a problem with something in your business- wrong price, bad quality, out of stock; respond to phone calls in a timely manner, etc. These are not ground-breaking concepts. These are the staples of good customer service. It's not hard. I'm not asking you to roll out red carpet, greet me with sparkling wine, or a souvenir chocolate. Just pleasant, helpful, customer service.

B) Appearance of your store/business. Make me think you care about your product, your service, your food, your reputation. Take pride in your business.  Provide me with an organized, clean, pleasant space. Attractive/appealing/stylish would be even better. I don't want to shop in wine stores with dusty bottles spattered with dried wine from broken bottles. I don't want to shop in a store where it looks like you haven't dusted or mopped in weeks or months. Please try to make it easy for me to find what I am looking for-- don't make me feel like I am poking around an abandoned attic.  Get the picture?

If you do these things, I will be willing to pay a little bit more than I would at a business offering similar services/products, etc. I will be a loyal customer. I will go out of my way to give you my business. Happily. So, please, please take note, business owners/managers everywhere.

Other things to note:

Bill Belichick will not be on twitter, facebook, myspace, etc. Ever. I heard him say it himself on the news tonight. Disappointing, isn't it? I, for one, was ready to follow him, friend him, etc. Just kidding.

I made a delicious turkey-pesto-havarti-spinach-cranberry-sauce wrap for dinner tonight.

I bought the Live From Mars CD on iTunes this morning.  It was a steal at $14 for 25 songs. Particularly since I really like the whole cd. I had a burned copy once, but it lived on my computer and that computer, sadly, was not backed up, and has gone to the great land of retired electronics.

I'm not sure, but that probably covers everything you probably didn't think needed to be blogged about for tonight ...or at least for a few hours =)

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