Thursday, December 15, 2011

One of those Moods, and then some...

I don't want anything from you, I said, unless you want me to want something from you & he smiled & said, I knew you were in one of those moods. 

This is the wind what blows, he said, & it lives in a jar in my bed & his eyes were big with the knowing of all that. 

For a long time, he was trying to pop these balloons with psychic energy but he found a dart was simpler. I save my psychic energy for more important things, he told me, like trying to predict the future. I told him a dart is good for that too & now he never calls anymore. 

I read somewhere that if given a choice between sex & peace of mind, she said, most people would choose peace. Personally, I said, I do fine with a little anxiety.  

I don't mind waiting for a little while, he said, if I get a treat in the end. What do you think is a treat? I said. Not having to wait too long, he said & I had to give him points for honesty.

I'm not sure if the world's all that serious, she said, or if it just has a really dark way of having a good time.


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