Tomorrow is a new year.
The tradition would be to make resolutions for the 'New Year', but that hasn't typically been on my to-do list (call me impatient, but I tend to not wait for a new year for big decisions/changes/etc). But, in the spirit of the holiday, here are some inspirations for those of you who make them-- StoryPeople style:
Option 1:
My New Rules For Living Simply (As of This Year) 1. When bills come, just throw them out. Who needs all that clutter & heart-ache? 2. Have a room for everything. Don't ever do anything in a room you're not supposed to. (This works best in a hotel) 3. Take a couple of days & really find out your 3 favorite foods. Clear everything but these 3 foods out of your house. After awhile, you'll be so sick of them, you'll just go out to eat for every meal. Your kitchen will stay perfectly clean. (to be continued)...
Option 2:
Maybe I don't want a Happy New Year, he said. Maybe I want an intense New Year with a lot of growth experiences & I had to admit I'd never thought of that...
I might not make the "throw out your bills" resolution, but it's food for thought. Just think of it as a brainstorming session. A lot of unpractical ideas before a few useable ones =)
However, if you've procrastinated and still don't have any by midnight but intended on making some, remember: there are plenty of other 'New Years' throughout the year that you can use to instate those resolutions when they come to you.
Resolutions or not, I say celebrate the 'New Year' when it suits you best-- and sometimes one 'New Year' per year, is just not enough.
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