Friday, February 10, 2012

Contraceptive Nonsense

I'm getting super angry about this 'debate' about whether or not contraception should be covered. Of course it should be covered and there are a lot of other people who agree...

"While GOP and some religious leaders are busy blasting the new birth control regulation, are they even listening to the 99% of sexually-active women who use birth control? Might be surprised at what they find – the majority of Catholics are actually more supportive of the provision than the rest of the country." Planned Parenthood.

End the nonsense conversations about contraception.


  1. We could take the millions of dollars being spent on this absolutely ridiculous debate (of course birth control should be covered) and provide proper reproductive health care to the shocking number of women in this country who do not have access to critical services. I have a so called "moral objection" to the fact that we're being so wasteful with time, energy, money and all other resources connected to this absurd back and forth.

    1. Exactly. A refreshingly reasonable perspective. thank you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
