So, rumor has it I'm moving again. And I am. The planning is underway, and although I haven't officially written a list of things to do, I am already mentally ticking things off. I've made a lot of progress in just a few days. And I'm drinking juice instead of wine. It must mean I'm getting down to business. Or, that I'm out of wine. Just kidding. I'm going to have a little down-time while I wrap up one place, and head into my next. I have a couple of ideas for some things I might do...But if you have any interesting suggestions that I can squeeze while packing & planning, send them my way. I am not promising I'll take you up on them, but I'll read them and if they sound fun or 'up my alley' I might actually explore them.
Okay, it's getting late. Here's a night-time song.
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