As of late, you may have noticed more postings related to politics and activism around various issues (a few in particular). By and large, I do not think the very LOUD, very DIVISIVE, very UNREASONABLE voices that are flooding the media (mostly due to the election cycle), reflect the views of the average American-- Democrat, Independent, or Republican; male or female. I think, instead, we just have a few very obnoxious, power-hungry people on an irrational tirade that often isn't even loosely linked to facts or real understanding of the issues. Issues are being distorted, facts are being ignored, and there is clearly a lack of respect for integrity.
Unfortunately, those people are getting a lot of attention right now. It's scary because they behave as if they have the majority of Americans 'on their side' and are 'speaking out' under the guise that they are looking out for the best interests of the American people. They dismiss or ignore any factual evidence to the contrary. They don't care if they are perpetuating information that is not based in reality. They don't care if they are twisting statistics. They don't care if they are taking words out of context. They only care about their own selfish motives-- usually power. The adage 'the squeaky wheel gets the grease' comes to mind.
So, I feel like I need to do my part to speak up to try to provide some counter balance to the dialogue. To let people know that I do not agree with or support, these really vocal, really extreme, really unbalanced men and women who are permeating the media. To speak up to point out the absurdity. As Ani would say "Face Up and Sing." And I appreciate that some people, like Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart can do it with humor... there's nothing like a little Satire to the Rescue.
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