I'm sitting on my couch watching Sunday Morning, on CBS. So far they've covered the personality-factor, or lack thereof, of politicians. Transitioned then to general charisma, something about AT&T (I wasn't paying attention, I guess), and then this really cool software program that turns spoken word into song! The Gregory Brothers have really taken advantage of it. Quite amusing. Now CBS Sunday morning, is talking about football uniforms. And how the Portland Ducks haven't worn the same exact uniform for a game in several years. And Maryland is apparently following suit. Football players on the catwalk? Interesting. And fish and chips oil turned into to taxi cab fuel! Amazing!
Well, I should get on with my day. Here's a morning poem for you. Hopefully it's not a repeat, but if so, it's a good one --so repeating it doesn't hurt.
Morning Poem
Every morning
the world
is created.
Under the orange
sticks of the sun
the heaped
ashes of the night
turn into leaves again
and fasten themselves to the high branches ---
and the ponds appear
like black cloth
on which are painted islands
of summer lilies.
If it is your nature
to be happy
you will swim away along the soft trails
for hours, your imagination
alighting everywhere.
And if your spirit
carries within it
the thorn
that is heavier than lead ---
if it's all you can do
to keep on trudging ---
there is still
somewhere deep within you
a beast shouting that the earth
is exactly what it wanted ---
each pond with its blazing lilies
is a prayer heard and answered
every morning,
whether or not
you have ever dared to be happy,
whether or not
you have ever dared to pray.
Mary Oliver ~
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