Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A small collection

...of things I have read, seen, or heard recently.

"You're an absolutest then."
"What's one of those?"
"All or nothing."
"What else is there?"
"The middle ground. Ever been there?"
"I've seen it on a map."
"You should take a trip."
"And then I can go round and round, like everyone else."
-The Powerbook

Are you a millionaire?  I am oddly entertained by this commercial. I'm sure that was the point, and it worked on me. Except I'm not going to visit my Honda dealer.

An anecdotal song... by Charlotte Martin, who also does a beautiful, rather haunting, cover of Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town.

And finally, a family of pink plastic flamingos, living in the tree next to my apartment building.  There are really two families of pink plastic flamingos, but the other picture didn't turn out as well. 

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