So, I was listening to an interview on NPR with Johnny Winter. Turns out, he's a blues musician. I was not familiar with him, but immediately liked the music. Being a child of the 80's my immediate connotation with 'the blues' is Adventures in Babysitting. I like to think that I'm not the only one who has this connection, but then again, I know my train of thought can be tricky (or actually not possible) to follow at times. So, Adventures in Babysitting? Who's got a copy of it and who wants to watch it? Unfortunately, it's not on Netflix "Watch Instantly" yet.
Anyway, I now own a copy of Roots by Johnny Winter. This adds to my other recent random acquisitions for my music library: Hem, Funnel Cloud; and Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of St. Maurice & St. Maur, Gregorian Chants. No, I'm not kidding. I've been a bit stressed-out lately and thought I needed some music that might be a little more calming than Avril Lavigne's Good-Bye Lullaby. Also a recent purchase. Again, I'm not kidding.
Next on my agenda: Find a blues club and go dancing.
Let me know if you're 'in'...
Let me know if you're 'in'...
she wore a blue tattoo on her finger to remind her that, no matter what they paid her, some stains never come out.
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